“U.S.-based computer security firm Norse has released a real-time animated map that illustrates ongoing cyberattacks around the world. Without a doubt, the U.S. is getting constantly hammered by hackers,” Business Insider reports. “In just 45 minutes, the U.S. was the victim of 5,840 cyberattacks.”
Moreover, the map doesn’t even detect all hacking incidents. Every day, hackers and rogue programs attempt to breach Pentagon security 10 million times! There are 20 million hacking attempts in various locations in Utah. Who is responsible for all of this hacking?

Although hacking and related security infractions occur from all over the world, China is responsible for the majority of the attacks. “Chinese cyberattacks are highly damaging to both the U.S. economy and national security. China is currently developing a new plane that is modeled after stolen plans for the U.S.’ F-35 fifth-generation plane,” Business Insider continues. Who is the next most likely culprit? U.S. hackers fall just behind China in their attempts to breach the security of American computers.
Finally, Stanford legal experts argue that managers need to take hacking attempts more seriously. Security breaches should not be considered in financial terms only. Top officials also need to carefully weigh the legal risks. In order to prevent threats against cyber security, managers should carefully research firewalls, security program, and equipment. Many managers do not realize that relatively simple things, such as the type or formation of server racks, can affect cyber security.