Usually, after a house and a vehicle, furniture is the third-most expensive item a person will buy during their lifetime. Of course, that’s starting to change in the digital era, now that smartphones and laptops have become so essential. And while furniture items like sofas can typically last up to 15 years, the latest tablet […]
Month: February 2017
A Peek into the Future of Shopping: How Retailers Are Responding to E-Commerce
As Americans continue shying away from brick and mortar stores and more towards the online shopping market, retailers have had to revamp their business models to keep up with consumer needs. When it comes to clothes shopping, one of the biggest reasons people still visit these brick and mortar storefronts it to try things on. […]
3 Years After Elk River Spill, Advocates Continue Work to Protect Drinking Water
The third anniversary of the Elk River chemical spill came and went at the beginning of January. Though the chemical spill occurred over three years ago, advocates remember clearly how more than 300,000 West Virginia citizens were left without usable drinking water for over a week. The chemical leak started at Freedom Industries, located just […]
Unmanned Submarines Bring Scientists One Step Closer to Understanding the Deep Seas
It’s hard to believe that there could be life in the deep recesses of Earth’s ocean, but over 13,000 feet below the surface, small shrimp, crabs, and other creatures flourish near hydrothermal vents. An unmanned submarine named SuBastion recently ventured down into the deep to join them. Scientists located a previously undiscovered group of hydrothermal […]
Norway Accuses Group with Links to Russia of Executing Cyber Attack
A recent survey revealed that approximately 87% of small businesses experienced a cyber security breach in 2012 alone, and the number of attempted attacks is increasing. But one group of cyber criminals with alleged links to Russia had a much bigger target in mind. Norway’s foreign ministry, army, and a number of the nation’s other […]