As technology has rapidly improved in recent years, there have been enormous advancements in medical treatments. With around one-quarter of Americans suffering from musculoskeletal impairments, spinal issues are no exception. According to IEEE Spectrum, researchers at Columbia’s School of Engineering are attempting to help the 3% of children diagnosed with the abnormal curving of the […]
Month: February 2016
Smartphones Can Do Everything Else, So Why Shouldn’t They Be Able to Unlock Your Car?
In an age where people are surrounded by technology at every turn, most companies are looking to jump on the bandwagon of new and cool tech. Considering that four in 10 vehicle owners truly love their cars — not just like them, but as with any gearhead, they really do love them — automobile manufacturers […]
Socially Responsible Mattress Company Leesa Expands Buissness To Canada
According to the Seattle Times, more than 140 new, luxury mattress were donated to the Union Gospel Mission and were carried into the Pioneer Square Facility for residents in the recovery and rehab programs on Wednesday. Each Leesa mattress is valued at $525. Hope Place, a women and children’s shelter in Rainier Valley, received another […]
ID Card Now Available For People Who Stutter
Identification cards are now available for individuals in the United States who have a stutter. Stuttering is considered a disability and is covered by the Americans with Disability Act. Despite this and the fact that approximately three million Americans and 70 million people worldwide stutter, many do not take this disability seriously and are discriminated […]
Target Will No Longer Be Offering Recycling Services to Montana Residents
According to NBC Montana, retail giant Target plans to end its glass recycling project all across the state by the end of February. This news comes especially hard to environmentally-inclined ears since Target is the only retailer in the state to offer glass recycling and has been since 2010. What originally began as a couple […]
Even Seltzer Water Is Bad for Your Teeth
It’s no secret that sugary soda drinks are bad for your teeth, but a new investigation by The Atlantic found that sugarless seltzer water might be just as bad. As Live Science stated, most of us already know that soda pop is filled with sugar, and this sugar essentially eats away at the hard enamel […]
Black Students Face Looming Mental Health Crisis
By the age of 35, about two-thirds of men in the U.S. will experience some appreciable degree of hair loss. Past research has shown that a person’s family history, hormonal changes, medical conditions, and medications can all increase a person’s risk of hair loss, but a new study has found that a startling problem can […]
Adults Need 2.5 Hours of Exercise Per Week For Good Heart Health
The typical American adult is an extremely busy creature. From a 40-hour workweek (sometimes even more) to familial duties, who has time to work out? According to a new survey, plenty of busy Americans share just this sentiment. And unfortunately, because of our hectic schedules, many of us aren’t getting the recommended amount of weekly […]
Cisco Predicts That Mobile Phone Ownership Will Reach 5.5 Billion by 2020
Any digital marketing whiz will tell you that the fate of internet searches and sales were placed in the hands of smart phone users long ago. The use of mobile phones for online purchasing and general internet usage has skyrocketed with a prevalence of the smart phone in the global citizen’s pocket. And according to […]
World Economic Forum: 5 Million Jobs Will Be Lost by 2020, Technology to Blame
The digital age is in full swing and industry leaders are forecasting a severe disruption in the white collar workforce at the hands of blossoming technology. As reported by WTVR, the World Economic Forum (WEF) published a report in late January that showcased how the digital age is revolutionizing technology while simultaneously putting millions of […]