Etsy Brings Retails Even Closer to Online Shoppers With Mobile Etsy Local Search Feature

Etsy first gained success for being an online marketplace for small business owners to sell their one-of-a-kind goods to anyone at any time; location was never an issue, so long as the post office was running. Now, it appears that Etsy has made a complete 180 and is now operating exactly opposite of its original […]


Top Security Firm: New Malware is “Largest Known” Threat to Apple Devices

Security firm Palo Alto Networks announced over the weekend that a new form of malware, dubbed “KeyRaider,” has allowed hackers to steal account information from more than 225,000 Apple account holders. “We believe this to be the largest known Apple account theft caused by malware,” read a statement posted by the company on Aug. 30. Malware is […]


Students Don’t Use the Internet to Cheat as Much as You Might Think, Says New Study

With about 4.49 billion web pages on the Internet, finding academic material to plagiarize is easier than ever, allowing students to take shortcuts. A 2010 survey of 24,000 students from 70 different high schools found that 58% admitted they’d plagiarized, while a staggering 95% said that they had cheated in some form or another. However, […]


The Latest Weapon in the Fight Against Superbugs: Robots

It sounds like something out of science fiction: a robot that rolls into a hospital room and zaps germs using ultraviolet light. But that’s precisely what biotechnology startup Xenex has created — and CEO Morris Miller says there’s a huge market for it. “On a daily basis we are cleaning 5,000 to 7,000 rooms,” he […]


New Universal Remote Attachment Could Make Things Easier…Or Harder

If you have a streaming media device, there is a new universal remote attachment being released that could make your life easier. It could also the be the gateway to losing yet another remote control, and this time it will cost you. According to Tech Hive, a device called Sideclick is being introduced after a […]


Smartphone Users Encouraged to Share Food Photography With New Google Maps Feature

Since the first photograph was taken over 186 years ago, it’s estimated that more than 3.5 trillion photos have been snapped. With the invention of the smartphone, just about everyone has constant, immediate access to a camera. Google is looking to take advantage of this by unveiling a new feature to their Google Maps service […]


Amazon Makes Advertising Change in Potential Challenge to Google

Amazon is ending an advertising option that has been a favorite of small retailers, according to an email obtained by the Wall Street Journal’s Digits blog. Product listings at the bottom of Amazon pages that show photos of merchandise and act as links to other retailers’ websites will be discontinued on Oct. 31. These Product […]


Facebook Testing Breaking News App That Could Challenge Twitter

Facebook is testing a new stand-alone mobile news application, Business Insider reported Aug. 11. The product is reportedly part of the Facebook for Business initiative (not to be confused with the Facebook for Work initiative announced late last year). Facebook has declined to comment regarding the app, but BI was able to discuss the app […]


Why Smartphones Are Changing the Way Mental Illnesses Are Treated in the U.S.

Advancements in new technology have allowed health experts and researchers to make monumental changes in the way that mental illnesses are being treated, and even in the way that these illnesses are discussed and perceived by the public. But is it possible that the greatest changes are coming not from new prescription drugs and therapeutic […]


This New Technology Could Help Electric Cars Become Mainstream

Over the last few years, electric cars, plug-in hybrids and fuel cell electric vehicles have become increasingly popular among people who want to have a more environmentally friendly way of getting around. However, these vehicles have never been able to reach mainstream popularity, with the vast majority of vehicle drivers still opting for internal combustion […]