After the invasion of Russia, the life in Crimea is totally strange. It has been reported by a private news agency that life in Crimea is very tense but streets look calm and unaffected. Ukraine officials have said that “more than 16,000 troops of Russia have besieged the peninsula and got controlled over 10 Ukraine military bases”.
It goes without saying that there has not been any fighting among the civilians and occupied forces. Though, skirmishes between Ukraine and Russian forces were predicted yet the situation is quite eerie. No doubt, since the Russian forces landed over the Crimea, it has sparked more tensions between U.S and Russia. Recently, President of United States warned Russia for economic and strategic isolation.
Besides, the situation in the Simferopol is undisturbed. It seems as invasion has not changed the routine of life. Shops, markets, streets and cafeterias are open and there is no news of any mishap. On the other hand, the transportation system of the capital is also unaffected. Trains, buses, coaches are running as per scheduled timing.
Needless to mention, a pro Russian activists demands that “he wants separation from the Ukraine with absolute autonomy in the region and people of Crimea do not wish to integrate with Ukraine”. Contrary to this, a Ukraine forces supporter said “We do not want our brother nation to help us and we want to solve our issues through table task not through war”.
No doubt, the tension in the Crimea region grows with every passing day and most of the people – particularly Russian speakers- want to split Crimea from the Ukraine. To continue with, a self declared Russian group member Sergei Golovko demanded that “Either grant us full autonomy or disown our territory so that we could join Russia”.