Air Conditioning Could Make Potentially Unbearable Climate Even Hotter

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Middle Eastern CrisisA recent study from the October edition of the environmental publication Nature Climate Change has found that the unbearably hot summer days in the Persian Gulf may be the norm by 2100. The new extreme at that point could be temperatures never seen on the planet earth, according to the technology news site

The study indicates those potential temperatures would be “intolerable” for humans to live in. They estimate that if nothing is done to change matters the average extreme temperature would be around 113 degrees Fahrenheit with places like Kuwait City, easily exceeding a scorching 140 degrees Fahrenheit on some days.

It would be almost impossible to work outside in such conditions and even living in general would be difficult. One of the things that could make it possible is actually contributing to the rising climate change: air conditioning.

“Electricity demands for air conditioner use, for example, would considerably increase in the future to adapt to projected changes in climate and population,” the scientists wrote in the study. “Although it may be feasible to adapt indoor activities in the rich oil countries of the region, even the most basic outdoor activities are likely to be severely impacted.”

It’s a vicious cycle of cause and effect. As the climate continues to rise, more people turn to everyday air conditioning. More air conditioning means a more rapid rate of climate acceleration, according to scientists in the study.

Fortunately, air conditioners have come a long ways in improving their efficiency over the last decade or so. There are even now high-efficiency models on the market that can reduce energy usage by 20 to 50% in some cases.

By continuing efforts to improve air conditioning functionality and cutting carbon emissions across the board the Nature Climate Change study predicts the temperature spikes can be avoided. It will take time and a committed effort from people and nations around the world to do so.

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