More Americans Brewing Their Own Moonshine

Discovery Channel’s Moonshiners brings to light what we all know, but do not talk about. In spite of questionable legality, Americans brew moonshine at home. What many do not realize is that more people are distilling moonshine than ever before — at home and in a professional setting. Moonshine Then and Now Legal disputes about […]


Russian Punk Rock Group Pussy Riot Makes Waves Again

Six weeks before eyes everywhere turned to Russia, two members of the country’s most notorious protest-art collective, Pussy Riot, were released from prison, which could spark further protests in the already turbulent circumstances that have surrounded the Winter Olympics. In a recent interview with Stephen Colbert, they explained that they were jailed because they “sang […]


The Strange Tale of Security at the Sochi Olympics

Amid predictions of unavoidable terrorist attacks, whether from the Black Widows, a group of female Chechens who’ve lost husbands in previous conflicts with Russia, or from extremists acting on their own with explosives enclosed in tubes of toothpaste, Russian officials are cracking down on security for the 2014 Sochi Olympics. Dr. Gordon Woo, a risk […]


What to Look for on the Sochi 2014 Parade of Nations Runway

There’s always plenty to see at the Olympic Opening Ceremonies. From the lavish displays put on by the hosting nation to the always tear-jerking sight of the world’s athletes joined in excitement and peace, there’s never a dull moment. Today’s ceremony at Fisht Olympic Stadium will surely be no exception, especially when we tune in […]


Chili Peppers Catch Red Hot Fire for Faking Super Bowl Performance

The Super Bowl halftime show has always been a source of controversy, perhaps most famously with Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction” in 2004. It’s only fitting, then, that on the incident’s 10-year anniversary,  we have a whole new fiasco on our hands. This week, the Red Hot Chili Peppers came under fire after fans called them […]


The Real-Life Woman Behind the Oscar-Nominated Philomena, and Her Emotional Meeting With the Pope

After nearly a lifetime of unanswered questions and draining quests to find the truth, a visit with the Pope finally offered Philomena Lee, an Irish woman forced to give up her child after three years of raising him in a home for unwed mothers, long-awaited solace. “Philomena Lee… says that after meeting Pope Francis she […]


Two Decades After Beating His Homeland in the ‘94 Olympics, Petr Nedved Will Compete With the Czechs in Sochi

Defector. Sniper. Canadian Olympian. Enigma. Lots of words can be used to describe the life and hockey career of Petr Nedved. “Czechoslovakian Olympian” was never a phrase that even he, now 42, thought would be appropriate. But now, two decades after competing in his first Olympic Games in 1994 — as a Canadian — and […]