New Gadget Brings 3D Computer-Animated Images to Life

Tech developers have recently introduced a spherical display that allows viewers to view — and interact with — 3D images and animations. According to an August 25 IEEE Spectrum article, the Spheree, developed by researchers from Brazil’s University of São Paulo and Canada’s University of British Columbia, is “the first display capable of projecting uniform, […]


Self-Driving Technology Enters GM’s Newest Cadillac Models

While the prices range, the Cadillac line of cars is always upscale and high-quality machines. They have a reputation for glamour and a Cadillac luxury sports car is a common sight at awards shows and major events. Used cars are always an option, but buying new is likely possible as well. You just need to […]


Electronics Retailer RadioShack Headed Towards Bankruptcy

Electronics retailer RadioShack is having difficulty making ends meet, and recently announced that Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization is strong possibility if it cannot find a means of reworking its debt. The regulatory filing painted a bleak picture of the struggling retailer’s financial situation. RadioShack is currently in talks with its lenders, bond and shareholders, and […]


New Technology Helps Small Businesses Pull Ahead

It’s been increasingly clear that technology is the way forward for small businesses. In the restaurant industry, technology has been approaching on several fronts. Tablet usage has become more commonplace as the benefits of using them are realized, and more restaurant owners are looking for ways to engage customers through social media — which today, is […]


As the Internet of Things Expands, So Do the Security Risks, According to Hewlett-Packard Study

The Internet of Things: once no more than speculative science fiction, it’s now a reality as we see more and more devices connected to the internet. From our phones and computers to our home security systems and garage doors, the Internet of Things allows us to connect to any device, any time, anywhere — and it’s […]


Negative SEO Extortion Emails Attract Google’s Attention

A search engine pirate has been making the rounds in the online marketing industry, but the threat might not be quite as serious as it seems. The email purports to be “an extortion email” and threatens to put out 20,000 permanent backlinks to damage the targeted company’s online reputation unless they pay $1,500 within “the […]


How One New Startup Can Teach Your Car to Drive Itself

With Google already testing out self-driving cars, the world is getting a look at what the car of tomorrow will look like. Designed to eliminate auto accidents and traffic congestion, the next generation of super-safe vehicles will be able to warn drivers of potential dangers, and do everything possible to minimize an impact in the event of an unavoidable […]


Canada’s National Research Council Targeted by Possible Chinese Cyber Attack

The National Research Council recently experienced a major cyber attack, and it believes China is to blame. The Council, which is responsible for business-related technology research, stated that the Communications Security Establishment detected the highly sophisticated cyber attack against the NRC’s IT infrastructure. The Council also claims that the attack came from a “Chinese state-sponsored […]


Hackers Target POS Systems with Backoff Malware

According to a new report released by the US Department of Homeland Security on Thursday, hackers are now using malware to steal consumer payment information through point-of-sale systems. In fact, one particular malware program called Backoff may have already affected as many as 600 businesses. Malware like Backoff and it’s lesser known relative BrutPOS break in through […]


New Study Finds Sleep May Be the Final Frontier For Astronauts

Sleep troubles are an all too common problem for people in the United States. At least two thirds of Americans struggle to get a good night’s rest, according to the American Sleep Foundation. For many, this only means having to stifle more yawns during the first few hours of the day or having to grab an […]