Logitech Introduces New Touch Screen Remote to Control Your Entire House

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Remote owners everywhere wince at the thought of losing the remote to their brand new stereo. Imagine the fear induced by losing a remote that controls everything in your home.

According to BetaNews, Logitech is integrating all of the remotes people use on a daily basis into one single device, called the Harmony Elite. It’s a touchscreen remote that promises to rid homeowners of the need to carry dozens of remotes for each of their devices.

Logitech hopes to capitalize on the recent trend of “smart homes” (homes with remote-controlled appliances) that has been gaining popularity among more middle-class consumers. These homes can be equipped to link televisions, lighting, temperature control, and other functions into one single remote.

 These homes can be equipped to link televisions, lighting, temperature control, and other functions into one single remote.
These homes can be equipped to link televisions, lighting, temperature control, and other functions into one single remote.

“As with other hub-based Harmony remotes, you can manage your entire smart home with the Logitech Harmony Elite. Features such as one-touch Activities, gesture controls, motion-activated backlighting and custom Favorites coupled with an improved button layout and dedicated home control buttons mean navigating your entertainment and connected home is easier than ever,” Logitech said in a statement.

How often do Americans lose remotes really, and how likely are they to find them in some of the most unusual places?

A recent survey found that over 4% of people find missing remotes in the fridge or freezer, while almost 2% found their remote control all the way outside or in the car.

You may just find your Harmony Elite outside if you plan on traveling with it, which is completely plausible. The company promises that the remote will be able to function regardless of where you are.

“You can easily control devices inside closed cabinets, through walls or even when you’re away from home,” said Logitech.

According to CultofMac.com, the Harmony Elite will carry an introductory price of $400. It is expected to be released in late September or early October 2015.

With a price tag like that, users will be a little more vigilant as to where they leave their remote. Then again, remote controls do seem to have a mind of their own.

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