Texas Father and Son Killed By Drunk Driver Less Than a Week After TxDOT Anti Drunk Driving Initiative

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A Texas father and his ten year old son were killed last week in a drunk driving accident. According to KHOU, they were two of a family of four riding in an SUV that was struck by a speeding pick up truck. The surviving passengers did not sustain life threatening injuries.

The driver of the pick up was drunk when he ran a red light and crashed into the SUV just before 3 am. The force of the crash caused to SUV to crash into a utility pole. The second impact may be what killed the father and son, Juan Alvarez and Juan Alvarez Jr.

The Texas Department of Transportation, also known as TxDOT, has started taking measures to help reduce the instances of drunk driving in Texas, where according to Celina Record a traffic crash involving a drunk driver happens about every twenty minutes.
The Texas Department of Transportation, also known as TxDOT, has started taking measures to help reduce the instances of drunk driving in Texas, where according to Celina Record a traffic crash involving a drunk driver happens about every twenty minutes.

The drunk driver, Jose Rivera, now faces intoxication manslaughter charges.

The consequences of DUI are severe, especially in cases like these in which people lose their lives. On the other hand, the drunk driver has to deal all of the repercussions of their actions, monetary and otherwise. After representation, fees, and fines, the full cost of a DUI is $10,000 on average.

The Texas Department of Transportation, also known as TxDOT, has started taking measures to help reduce the instances of drunk driving in Texas, where according to Celina Record a traffic crash involving a drunk driver happens about every twenty minutes.

According to Celina Review, TxDOT recently launched an annual initiative to combat the issue. The “Drink. Drive. Go to Jail” campaign takes measures to remind drivers that they need to avoid drinking and driving and understand the severe consequences they will face if they do.

Juan Alvarez and his son died about a week after the conclusion of the campaign.

The campaign aligns with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration sponsored increased enforcement period and features media and outreach events across Texas.

TxDOT has also developed a website to help people find safe rides home, called Soberrides.org. According to the website, there are options to help a person “plan a sober ride” by calling a cab or a friend, taking public transit or a pedicab, or even a limousine.

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