Untreated Urinary Tract Infections Could Have Serious Risks for Children Later in Life

Info Tech  > Featured News >  Untreated Urinary Tract Infections Could Have Serious Risks for Children Later in Life

doctorUrinary catheters have been used for over 3,500 years. If left untreated of if not properly treated right away, urinary tract infections (UTIs) in a child could lead to serious health consequences later in life.

Urinary tract infections may be confined to the bladder itself, but once any of that bacteria reaches the kidneys, fever and other issues are likely to ensue.

Most children will have a fever before the age of three, and many of those children will contract urinary tract infections.

If these infections aren’t treated properly and right away, scar tissue can form on the kidneys.

This scar tissue represents a loss of nephrons in the kidneys, which perform essential filtering functions throughout life.

If an individual suffers a loss of nephrons, their body can’t make more.

Humans are born with a set number of nephrons for life, which means damage to these filters is irreversible and could have serious health consequences.

Even more concerning is that women with urinary tract infections are often dismissed and mistreated, leading to more kidney damage.

Over half of all women will experience a UTI at some point in their lives, and consultant urologist Professor James Malone Lee has revealed that many of those cases aren’t treated properly.

“UTIs can be dismissed as minor when for a lot of women they cause misery, wrecking personal lives,” he said.

His team is scheduled to release a study of over 1,000 women with UTIs who had treatment with two high-dose antibiotics, hoping to demonstrate “an improvement on the current failure rate with hard-to-treat cases.”

Malone said that the problem is not the strength of the antibiotics prescribed to women with urinary tract infections, but the length of time they’re prescribed to be taking them.

“Everyone has become so very worried by antibiotic resistance when in fact they are not being prescribed for long enough. The main risk of long-term, high-dose treatment is nausea, diarrhea and more serious stomach infections, but this is outweighed by the benefits,” he said.

Urinary tract infections are in fact preventable, and with the right treatment, these infections can be cured rather quickly. However, receiving the right amount of treatment at the right time plays a crucial role in preventing damage to the kidneys.

Experts recommend practicing good hygiene and drinking adequate amounts of water to ensure that bacteria flows out of the body at a regular rate.

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