Air Conditioned Shirts Could Soon Become a Reality

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fabricIf your air conditioning unit is over 12 years old, its maintenance can be a big pain. However, a new technology may just be able to keep you cooler without running your AC into the ground.

The human body is excellent at generating heat, and clothing manufacturers have developed the best fabrics for keeping that heat locked in during the winter.

But recently, scientists from Stanford University report that they may have finally solved the issue of keeping your body cool without an external source such as a fan or AC unit.

In a paper published in Science, the researchers report working with a material that is commonly used in food plastic wrap, of all things.

In order to give this material breathability, they treated it to contain just the right-sized micro-pores that can release body heat, but remain opaque at the same time.

Of course, there are other fabrics still suited to the summer weather until this product is further developed.

Cotton is one of the best fabrics, both breathable and warm when necessary, but manufacturers recommend keeping it away from the dryer, as it could shrink.

Linen, on the other hand, has been used for centuries, and for good reason. This lightweight fabric was designed to handle the heat.

Extremely breathable and surprisingly soft, this fabric has been used for everything from baby blankets to wall hangings. But most notably, it is used in summer shirts and dresses because of its light weight and ability to release heat.

Natural fabrics like cotton and linen are currently the best on the market to keep you cool. However, this new material and the concept of air-conditioned shirts are getting people excited.

When researchers tested their “fabric” against materials like cotton and linen on a body heat simulator, they were met with surprising results. On average, their new material kept the underlying “skin” an impressive three degrees cooler than either of the other fabrics.

The group reports that more research is needed before they can consider manufacturing; as of right now, the process would be lengthy and extremely expensive.

However, if they’re successful, this could not only mean being cooler during the summer, it could mean reduced energy costs for people around the world.

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