There are 33,619 private schools in the U.S., serving 5.4 million PK-12 students. While the recent teacher protests in Detroit have been largely fueled by the poor education system in place, health concerns about the neglect of maintenance and hygiene of school buildings are equally to blame, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
After teachers began complaining of severe headaches and simply feeling ill while in the buildings, they started striking by staging “sick-outs.”
At Spain Elementary School, large humps in the floor began to manifest as a result of roof damage where water from rain and snow was able to seep in.
The moisture in the floor in both Spain Elementary and other city schools in turn encouraged the growth of harmful mold.
“There’s cold air that just gushes through there as well as the mold,” said Nancy Muerhoff, a teacher at Carleton Elementary.
State legislators have already toured some of the buildings, but city officials plan to inspect all Detroit Public Schools by the end of April.Unfortunately, Detroit schools are not the only educational institutions feeling the repercussions of indoor environments conducive to the growth of mold.
It only takes 48 hours for mold to set in and the longer things remain wet the more likely they are to be destroyed or cause permanent damage.
The Miami Hurricane reports that a number of freshman students returned to the Rosborough Tower of Stanford Residential College after winter break to find mold growing on their clothes, shoes, appliances, and even the walls and carpets.
The clothes had a lot of sentimental value and it was just a heart-wrenching experience to be welcomed back by such a sight,” said freshman, Gyles Ward.
The college is located in Miami, FL, which has the perfect humid climate and high heat where mold thrives.
The cause of the mold was determined to be the result of air conditioning malfunctions throughout the dorm building.
Some types of mold can cause dangerous respiratory irritation, rashes, and allergic reactions. Fortunately, the school was prompt enough to remove the mold before there were any health issues.